Paper Presentation

Oral Presentations

All oral papers should be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. There is NO conference template for the slides. We suggest that 15 slides is a reasonable number for a standard 15 minute talk. Apart from the Plenary and Keynote Lectures, presentation time is 20 minutes (15 minutes talk plus 3 minutes for questions, and  2 minutes for room changes).

There will be a “Speakers Preparation Room”, located on the second floor of the Conference Centre. Delegates should take their presentation on a USB to this room to load it into the Conference Centre system well before their scheduled presentation time. Staff will be available to assist you as follows:
Sunday;        13:00 to 17:00
Monday;         8:00 to 17:00
Tuesday;       8:00 to 17:00
Wednesday;   8:00 to 12:00
To facilitate keeping track of the presentations, the Centre have some simple guidelines for naming your PowerPoint presentation. Each presenter must provide the following four important pieces of information to help sort and keep track of your presentation.
Day, Room, Time, Name.
PDF files will display OK, however, PowerPoint is the preferred format.

Poster Papers

You must bring your completed poster to the Congress. There will be NO facility to prepare the poster at the Congress. The presentation MUST BE IN ENGLISH.

  1. The poster should be a standard AO size, which means the poster should not exceed 841mm wide and 1189mm high. Please arrange your material so that the poster can be mounted vertically, that means the longer side is vertical.
  2. The poster must have the TITLE and authors NAME and AFFILIATION (ie. Company or institution where the investigation was undertaken) clearly indicated at the top, along with the Internoise 2014 logo which is attached to this email.
  3. You may hang your poster any time after 7:00am on Monday morning, 17 November. A staff member will be at the reception desk to direct you to the appropriate place on the numbered boards for your poster. Please only use the area assigned to your poster. Velcro dots will be available to hold your poster to the display board. If possible, your poster should be in place not later than 9:00am on Monday morning.
  4. Your poster can be left on the board until Tuesday evening to give delegates two days to read your presentation. As there may be delegates who wish to ask you about your work, we recommend that you stand beside your poster during the last fifteen minutes of each lunch-time. If you cannot be there at these times, please leave at your poster a contact phone number or time schedule when you will be available.
  5. Please remove your poster by Wednesday morning. Any posters remaining after 10:00 am on Wednesday will be discarded.